Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the road out

a video of our trip from home to the car ... via snowmobile.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

well, now it's getting ridiculous

... maybe you should look down to today's previous post before looking at this one.
ben tried, really hard, to prove that alasdair looks more like him. he failed.

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family tree software - Free genealogy software

thank you, stephanie

steph and dave cundick have a blogspot, too ... and she just posted the following (with their pictures, of course):
so, just giving her props for having shown me this.

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Ancestory - Free genealogy

I also tried to upload MOrley's photo... but they refused to detect his 'face.' Probably a good thing, as he's guaranteed to look more like me, too.

Friday, February 1, 2008


about three months ago, my mama decided and announced that she wanted to serve an LDS mission, two months later her papers were in, and after the wait ... her call came, yesterday! She has been asked to serve in Charlotte, North Carolina for a period of 18 months. She heads to the MTC (mission training center) on the 14th of April. wow. so soon. I do have to say, that apprehensive bit I mentioned before ... it's fizzling. Previously, I really really wanted her to go foreign, but I've been experiencing a certain sense of excitement and relief that she'll be stateside. She will serve an "office" mission, which means there are soon to be lots and lots of lucky young missionaries. Well, everyone in Charlotte's about to get real lucky ... you instantly hit the jackpot when mama doherty is around. how I will miss her.

we're living like animals

... in a cave.

our house, nearly buried by the ever dumping snow: