Sunday, September 9, 2007

posting gig

here's the deal: i can't seem to figure out the whole post a photo + corresponding verbage ... then do it again down a few paragraphs. no. i upload a photo, write a bit to go along with it, then post another ... and each time it gets all screwed up. photos of moose sided by a paragraph about my mom's visit. no. those don't go together. honey's visit goes with photos of honey, not moose. seeing as i can't get that to work (no time to figure it out, and extremely slow internet), expect a photo post.
words to follow.
then, in lovely fashion, readers--if any--can read and scroll down to the corresponding photo.
pointless paragraph there---surely you will figure all of that out on your own.
now. to post photos, which takes a veryyyryyr VeRRry long time.


MaryandDan said...

i still can't figure it out either - my words are all over the page and my pics are never where I hope them to be - but we LOVE to see your posts and your pictures! So keep them coming! It sounds heavenly up there...

MaryandDan said...

ps I better sign my name when I make a post, not to be confused with my other half who sometimes uses questionable language. love, mary