Sunday, November 11, 2007


it is sunday. alasdair is no longer reveling in his 'teen' weeks, he is officially 20 weeks old. wild. his update: he stays awake--A LOT--, rolls over back to belly to back (though only in one direction ... he turns to the right, and he's fast, fast), he kisses and kisses, in the bath last night he launched forward from sitting position and made crawling movements, he stands (with support) quite well, he grabs and pulls and eats on everything in site.
he is a monkey, indeed. sweet thing.
as for ben and i, we are nestling in. well, nestled in. mama--honey--is visiting right now. i'm a fortunate daughter to have my mama visit so much. we love it. alasdair thrives on it.
the hiking season is about to transfer to snowshoeing/ski season, so we're taking advantage of walks without full body down coverage.

beautiful views:

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