Thursday, December 6, 2007

cloth dipes, good looks

traditions are born of habit, so it seems.
a few new bits for us: we give alasdair a bath every night (water only, mind, just feels good), read to him each night, cuddle and play in the morning, then head out to the kitchen/living/dining/computer/library room (yes, it's all-in-one) to prepare coffee and breakfast. it's a daily routine, really, but tradition too--kind of.
more than that, on sunday we listen to a particular cd: the mission soundtrack. i find myself itching to listen to it throughout the week, in the evenings, upon waking up----but i do not, for it is now dubbed our sunday cd, and we only listen to it on sunday. every sunday. when i travel, i will bring it.
alasdair got some fuzzy mail. ah yes, cloth diapers. the goods. it's becoming an obsession... this cloth diapering business. he has little g dipes, but they don't rock like the bum genius and fuzzi bunz. here's the little man in the fuzzi bunz (hanging to his knees):

we've also been sewing. well, we: i sew, alasdair is my inspiration. sewing: babylegs. faux babylegs, i should say. he's my little 80s-inspired child.

they serve a double purpose, too ... they're also arm warmers for me (just need to cut thumb holes).

the daily update. there it was.

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