Tuesday, March 18, 2008

gaggy mcgaggerson

I would love to be able to share my plate with Alasdair. I've been eager to introduce him to foods since he was 4 months old... but we waited until about 5 1/2, and now, at nearly 9 months, the boy gags on nearly everything I offer (aside from avocado. yay for avocado). and on top of gagging, he often vomits, which makes me think he's choking and I begin to panic and wonder and look to Ben for the next move. it's terrifying. so, I question what to do... do I just continue to offer purees and some super soft strips of food that he can gum and attempt to feed himself? or do I cut out solids for a few days and try again as he gets older? does the gag reflex disappear with age, or with practice? it's all sometimes too confusing and scary and sad---but it's not in the cards to breastfeed forever.

aside from gagging, he has been standing up and bouncing. he is getting more and more stable, though I'm sure as soon as he starts to incorporate steps with the upright bit, the 'ol shakiness will make an appearance.

Ben's mama left this morning, bright and early. we were sad to see her go, as was Alasdair, I'm sure. he's generally a little shy and observant when first meeting people, but he must have remembered her because he took to her right away. talking, hugging, kissing--the whole bit. Jeri, Jason + kids were also at our place for three nights this past weekend. it is so nice to have family around. Stella and Alasdair had the best time, though I think she may have left a bit frightened... he doesn't yet know his strength. though all he wanted was a kiss, to her I'm sure it felt like a hammer to the face. sweet girl. those two were so sensitive to one another, too. if she cried, he cried and vice versa. even if he heard her crying in the other room, he cried. here they are, getting geared up for a snowshoe around the lake. I pulled out two similar hats for them to wear... it's hilarious, them looking at one another as if to say "what the hell do you have on your head?"

and, one for the camera:

they are so cute, I can hardly stand it.

ah, and a tid-bit I forgot to mention and am now inserting later: Alasdair's top four teeth have all popped through. Praise the teeth makers that be. poor mclennas had to endure a tough couple of days for the boy during their visit. he had fever, vomit, snotty nose, and he was droolicious, to be sure. fortunately I think his symptoms are dying down since they've all popped through.

1 comment:

steph said...

crew still eats lots of purees. i think they just have to get a feel for new textures, but slowly i've been able to incorporate new foods in. good luck!! i find feeding to be a tough one these days too.