Monday, May 12, 2008

upping the date

today marked the beginning of a new schooling adventure for me. when I was a little girl, I remember wanting to become one of two things: a rancher, or a nurse (or possibly combine the two, which would have made me a veterinarian, I suppose). though I still have high hopes to live in the midst of meadows and horses, I've decided to pursue the nursing gig for now. honestly, the english degree isn't quite pulling through. it was fun and interesting, and I was definitely passionate about it----but.
that's it. I have experience in reading and theory.
the U offers an "accelerated" program (for students who have already obtained a bachelors in a subject unrelated to nursing) that would allow me to complete school and get my BSN in 16 months. the catch: pre-requisites. biology. chemistry. math. blah. so, today began the pre-cycle.
it's exciting to be back in school.

today.... well, lately... highlighted some new feelings as of late: baby baby baby hunger, kind of. I'm happy to be alasdair's mother, and only alasdair's mother, for a while to come---at least another six months (until we consider pregnancy again), but I must admit that it is tempting. everyone I meet is pregnant or with a newborn. breck. steph. jamie. other people----
we'll hold out. I just had to say it, maybe because I'm amazed that I'm even thinking about it so soon. those first months were pretty rough... amnesia, how lovely.

alasdair is well and getting taller and taller, it seems. suddenly, just this week, his pants seem shorter. he's also looking into his friend's eyes instead of at their mouths. he's practically running, sleeping (a little) better, eating (mostly at night) like a madman, trying to swallow water in the bath and nearly throwing his back out with frustration when he can't dig in the fridge.
whip. he gets so upset. poor guy. the fridge is a party, I know.
we've been going to parents + tots yoga, which is hilarious. kids running around, alasdair donning over the new sweet 3-month old, ajna. good times.
he's into music and has begun to bend his knees and drop the booty in a dance stance when any tunes come on. and, of course, he's very much into morley. sweet thing.

ah... the update that always fails to update. it's what I have, for now.

... I forgot to mention: ben bought me (and alasdair) a super sweet piano keyboard for mother's day. not the full 88-key one, but the 76. soooooo nice. I'm stoked. I want to learn how to play piano again (and the boy can rock out in it, too). thanks, papa.

1 comment:

dave said...

a nurse? that's pretty awesome. you'll do great, you have always done well in school. those classes sound all too familiar. hope all is well, it sounds like these are going great.