Friday, July 4, 2008

photos from the beginning

alasdair, my pie. it feels like yesterday that you were nestled on my chest, curled and content as we slept in spurts. fortunately you still like to sleep close. I remember the near terror as we walked out of the birthing center, waved a hand goodbye to teresa, placed you in the back seat... only hours after your transition out of your water world and into our arms. a week of elated bliss ensued, then followed by a dramatic drop in confidence. but we made it through and through and through. survived with family and hikes and the like. today you're more inquisitive than before, an observationalist, a social butterfly, a sharing wee one---many things, developing only more and more. i love you, sweet man. we love you.

I had to 're-cap'...
look at that little monkey. only an hour old, and growing.

the first camping trip + hike at 6 weeks in Stanley, Idaho. Fortunately we ran into a friend of Ben's who was caretaking some property and so we were able to stay in a cabin. turns out we were ill-equipped for a night of camping with a 6-week-old in cold weather.

our mini santa. the morning of departure from boise, headed to our new home in park city to live at camp. he was two months here, and loving life.

a stoked mini at 5 1/2 months. too much. one of my favorite photos. the christmas card.

pretty frightening of mama, but so cute of the wee one.

bathtime. alasdair's favorite time.. aside from what's below.

... good papa lovin. so sweet.

and gearing up for a sledding adventure in may.

which brings us back around to date... and his sweetness, at a year old. crazy. so happy. almost too damn cute.

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