Sunday, November 30, 2008

trying not to.

that's what today is about. trying not to count down the hours....
right now we're nearing 21.
ah! doing it.

yes, folks, a mere TWENTY ONE hours until we find out if I'll be busting out the sewing machine for sun-dresses, or rummaging through alasdair's trucks and tools in search of boyish baby goods.
21 hours and we will know. boy? girl? what do yoU say? post your guesses, your guts, please.
I'm interested. in the beginning I hoped, dreamed, plead for a girl. now I find myself doing the same for a boy. brothers--can't get much better than that. then again, I'm the fortunate sister and other half of one of the greatest friendships of all time: jonas and myself.
whatever you are, little, active bean... I can hardly wait.

happy belated day of turkeys and feasts to all. we celebrated twice this year. how fortunate. once with the osterhouts and another 20. it was glorious. so much food. so much fun. we arrived around 4 and alasdair partied well into the night---passing out as soon as he hit the car seat around midnight. sweet thing. he was all love and smiles. photos from that event:
ajna + alasdair, lovers.
ajna + papa luke.
aunt sabre, osha and papa.
osha + luke, or--as he says, "hook."

that was saturday past. the 22nd. following that feast, we recovered, then did it all over again on thanksgiving. mmmmm. the line-up: a TWENTY pound turkey (for ben, myself, alasdair... erica, luke, ajna... and luke's brother, paul. that's SIX adults, TWENTY pounds of turkey. want to know the truth? it's almost gone. gross.), southern cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, rolls, sage-infused mashed potatoes, TWO pumpkin pies (plus a mini, for ben) and a cherry pie. we even forgot to make the ham. good thing. wow. a feast it was. good times. we ate at four. and ate again later. and again. and a big 'ol breakfast pie in the morning. yum.
photos from that night...
ben, osha + ajna.
the playing of la musica.
ajna, in all her sweetness. she's alasdair's lover-girl. he likes the young ones. she's now 10 months and an absolute doll. he calls for her, "ah-na, ah-na."
yep. he took the king's seat. all night.
the family, of sorts: luke, ajna, erica and alasdair.
and, the 'other family'... osha, papa, ajna and myself.
the red-eye osh.
um. sorry to almost end on this one. I think erica asked us to "look hard." hmmm... appears only ben got that one.
brothers: luke and paul. the band: castor and pollution. their t-shirts are results of my screenprinting venture for the day. a design burnt + printed for them to sell at shows.

we were without immediate family. always wish family were around. but it was great, regardless.

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goooooood girl said...
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