Thursday, April 16, 2009

ode, to be a lady

In the first months of pregnancy I claimed a late April, early May due date. As more and more time passed, it became the 29th of April... the 24th... now, the 21st. The "official" "due" date. Why, why do I do that to myself, knowing well that the likelihood of her kicking it for an extra 10 days past the "due" date is probable. Well, I did do it. I am doing it. The whole "I'm due in 5 days" bit has got me thinking and hoping she could choose to come any day now.
I guess I don't quite recall the 15 days of waiting for Alasdair. Past his "due" date.
I write this to say to all of you lovely people reading this: please send energies and goodness to the wee lady, will her decent + welcome her smile on the 22nd, if she would so comply. Earth Day. Would be dreamy.
Whenever she chooses will be grand, of course.
It's amazing how much I feel like I've forgotten, or chosen to stash away in piles of memories, regarding the world of having a new baby. The late, nay--early---nights. The all-nighters. The helplessness of a teeny human being. The beauty of that helplessness. The painful nipples and aching back. The minutes turned to hours spent staring at your new babe when you should be sleeping. Identifying every finger and nail and hair and inch of your babe's body. Counting toes. Fingers. Almost watching as their eyelashes grow.
I am so eager to meet this sweet being of a lady. So eager to watch her and Alasdair interact.
And, to realize how Alasdair's world is about to change so dramatically is wild. Never again will he be the only baby. Just as special and lovely, yes, but never again the only one. He is feeling change. He is acting out---waking up at all hours of the night, for hours in the night. Sweet as pie during the day. Channeling sister's wakeful nights, I think---prepping us. I love to think of their communication, he and the lady. I imagine their eyes locking upon first meet outside--in this world. Eager for that.
Saw the midwife today, and the chiropracter---whom I've been seeing weekly for about a month now, a few times prior to that, too. I imagine I will see them both again in a week....
We're still under snow. In a lot more since Tuesday/Wednesday's craziness of a snow storm. Three+ feet of heavy snow made for 8 feet of drifts over the road, which made for road closures. Literally snowed in yesterday. No work, sorry---it's late April and I can't get to town. Nice to be forced to don the comfy pants and do some screening instead. Made for a lovely day at home with the boys.
Well, I hope next time I post.... no, I'll say this: I know that next time I post I'll be closer to meeting this sweetness--and possibly posting photos. The sun is due---ah, the "due" word again---to shine come Saturday. and to shine shine shine. Along with my babe. A welcoming.

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