Thursday, August 9, 2007

I did it

not sure if it's because i'm a mom now--but I did it, I've succumbed to the blog. it's in honor of alasdair, to be sure. so, here's a bit about the little man:
alasdair jonas mclenna, born june 24, 2007 at 4:45 in the a.m.
he enjoyed the womb so much he stayed an extra 15 days, which made for a long wait.
upon arrival he was 7 lbs. 14 oz. and 22 inches long
he is now 12 lbs. 9 oz. and growing steadily at almost 7 weeks.
he likes bumpy evening and early morning walks, the music of will oldham & bill callahan, plenty of milk and nestling, and his papa's soothing smile.
we've not yet discovered anything that he simply cannot stand.
after all, he's a baby---and he finds bliss in the exploration of the size, shape and composure of anything, and everything.

that's him on the right there---
warming up after his first bath at a week old.
water child.


dave said...

Well, you guys did great. He's super cute. We're glad that you've decided to start a blog...although its hard to start (there's an air of geekyness in it) it will be nice to be able to see what's going in your guys' lives. Hope all is well.

Jeri, Jason, Harrison, Maddy & Stella said...

Alasdair is growing to be such a handsome little that a natural tan I see?? How lucky he is and how lucky you both are to all have each other. I love the blog. We seem to embrace things differently once we become parents...don't you think? Love to you all.