Monday, August 13, 2007

long one

day, that is. I love eventful days---
especially because it stops me from counting down the hours until ben's return from 8 days away at work. he gets home on wednesday.
two more nights alone. yessssss. then, hopefully, we'll be heading to Utah. I'm hesitant to write anything about the prospect of moving only because I don't want to build up the hype in the case we're devastatingly deflated.
but when I start to have those thoughts, I combat them with optimism and convince myself that, indeed, the more people I tell--the more likely it is that good vibes will be sent through the universe, and therefore the more likely it is that we will get the job and end up living in Utah's mountainous landscape.
so, the deal: we might move to utah, come next week.
alright, I said it---and that's all I will say.

I started out with: long one.
day. my day was long. well, it passed quickly---
what I suppose I mean is: my day was full of events. a long walk with mama and the boy this morning. coffee and talks with jeri. lunch and talks with hope. meandering around the baby store and others while alasdair checked out the colors and gawked at folks passing by. back to my homestead where I fed the cat, Red--hungry beast--, and picked up some goods. back to me mama's where I fed myself + alasdair + dogs, hung out with the boy outside for a while, put him to sleep, bathed--
and, now, here I sit typing.
when I, too, should be sleeping. because when it comes down to it, this blog business is really a journal.
to think, my personal journal--what would be--exposed to the world.
what in the hell am i thinking?
how odd of me. if not to post all of alasdair's doings and growth and such, then what? I guess later this here 'blog' will be full of photos, mainly.

right now it just feels like my blah thoughts spewed onto the keyboard and somehow filtered onto what is a bright, buzzing screen.
and through to you, whoever might read this.
ah--the photos:
tis me and my favorite, ben.
and me and my boy, the bull.
good night.

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