Wednesday, October 31, 2007

it's halloween

i hang my head as our celebratory week has ended.
it was ben's birthday, our one-year anniversary and my birthday, all in a week's time.
but now, sadly sighing, i have nothing left to celebrate aside from my beautiful life, my loving men, my tasty pancake breakfasts, morley oh boy, the fact that mama is coming to visit soon---then shortly thereafter, miss jeri + jason + david + kids .....
so, to be honest, the celebrations in this household never end.
i caught alasdair looking ever so dapper, as he often does, in his overalls the other day. see here:

gosh. he's suddenly 4 months old. i think he's teething, which makes life rather unpleasant in the evening --- poor guy. he's taken to rolling from his back to his stomach, skipping over the belly to back bit.
he likes to mix it up i suppose.
AR (auntie rye) came down to visit. sweet sweet rye. she treated me to a spa day for my birthday. geeze. generosity at it's finest. the major change: hair. i've needed a drastic change. the boy was pulling out handfulls of hair each day.
anyway, i decided to go cleo. kind of.
what the?
no, it's not a wig.
yes, just in time for halloween.
today we will go down to main street in park city in hopes of seeing some cute kids dressed for the occasion. we hear it's a good time at least.
well, that's our update, for now.

1 comment:

AR said...

Hello my sweets,
I love the hair; one HOT Mama, for sure!
I had the best time with you three, thank you for having me. That sweet little boy is the happiest thing I have ever wrapped in my arms. I would be also if I lived with you two and had his life.
Everybody - run fast, book your flights/fill up your tanks with gas and hurry to Camp Cloud Rim...but be ready, you'll never want to come home!
I love you guys,